Leon tarasewicz Limits of painting – limits of gallery
Opening: 15.11.2013, opening hour: 18.00
Open until: 30.12.2013, opening hours: Mon.-Sat. 12.00-18.00

Although Leon Tarasewicz’s art is based on the traditional understanding of painting, a close inspection of his artistic oeuvre reveals that he confidently and consistently goes beyond the limits of the medium.
Tarasewicz’s painting style is a part of the tradition outlined by historical art movements spanning from constructivism and unism, through colourism and abstraction, to the most contemporary influences. In his unique artistic practice presented at numerous exhibitions, Tarasewicz always pushes the boundaries within his own work. His artistic oeuvre is impressive. And although we could see only a fraction of his work at the gallery from Lublin, it has never ceased to amaze us with its form of creative power.
Nearly 30 years of Tarasewicz’s artistic practice coincides with changes in the functioning of the gallery. The exhibition opens a new chapter in Biała’s history, which is also connected with a considerable enlargement of the exhibition space.
Presenting Leon Tarasewicz’s work at this point seems to be a natural consequence of those changes.
To begin with, a unique déjà vu: Biała Gallery and the exhibition by Leon Tarasewicz.
The exhibition occupies several spaces of the gallery and it is the artist’s largest show held at Biała to date.
Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.