Opening: 13.10.2017, opening hour: 18.00
Open until: 1.12.2017, opening hours: MON-SAT 12.00-18.00

Henk Visch is one of the most recognized and outstanding Dutch artists. He creates sculptures, objects, installations, drawings. He made several dozen projects in public space on different continents. All his works deal with the subject of “reality” filtered by curiosity, observations, imagery, emotions, beliefs and for the artist they become a form of communication with the outside world. The motive of body, space and context of the place creates an elaborate exhibition, the largest in the history of cooperation with the Biała Gallery, dating back to 1991. The inspiration for the title is philosophical thesis of Clark and Chalmers, according to which the limits of cognition are brain, body and environment.
Henk Visch (born in 1950) has been active in Dutch, European and international art for 37 years. He has participated in many prestigious international exhibitions such as Biennial of Art in Venice and Documenta in Kassel. He lectures among others at the Art Academies in Amsterdam, Maastricht, Stuttgart and Münster. He lives in Eindhoven and Berlin.
(above: Henk Visch – Czy chcesz poznać całą historię? / Do you want to know the whole story?)