Open until: 8.06.2018, opening hours: MON-SAT 12.00-18.00
The exhibition tries to look at various aspects of creative imaginations, fantasies that have sources in the human psyche, including obsessions and importunateness. The exhibition is built by currently creating artists who represent all generations and fulfill themselves in various fields of art through various media. First and foremost, they are connected by the convention of naive art, but also attention to detail, meticulousness, dreamyness and aesthetics of excess, also in the sense of using colors.
Open until: 19.01.2018, opening hours: mon.-sat. 12.00-18.00
Kama Bubicz, Ilona Karauda, Bartek ”Arobal” Kociemba, Wojciech Kucharczyk, Katarzyna Kukuła, Urszula Pieregończuk, Patrycja Podkościelny, Magdalena Sawicka, Mariusz Tarkawian Drawing Tutoring exhibition is devoted exclusively to drawing. The realization of Mariusz Tarkawian in the corridor of the Biała Gallery, entitled Colloquium from the History of Art and Civilization, has been successively expanded by the artist (…)
Open until: 1.12.2017, opening hours: MON-SAT 12.00-18.00
Henk Visch is one of the most recognized and outstanding Dutch artists. He creates sculptures, objects, installations, drawings. He made several dozen projects in public space on different continents
Open until: 21.04.2017, opening hours: MON.-SAT. 12.0018.00
Bartosz Kokosiński and Paweł Matyszewski in their joint exhibition The Wonder Years. The title of the exhibition The Wonder Years is a reference to an American TV-series from 1988-1993. The show was aired on public television in Poland when the artists (born in 1984) were in their youth. Now they return to the carefree years (…)