Archives at Biała Gallery: combed, stitched, and unearthed
Bogusław Bachorczyk, Marcin Chomicki, Grzegorz Kozera, Krzysztof Maniak, Irena Nawrot, Mariusz Tarkawian, Andrzej Tobis
Opening: 13.09.2024, opening hour: 18.00
Open until: 15.11.2024, opening hours: TUE-SAT 12.00-18.00

The idea of the exhibition refers to the concept of archiving as an important element of contemporary artistic practice, expressed in various and multi-threaded ways. The exhibition covers a wide range of art forms and genres, such as photographs, objects, books, site-specific works, paintings, drawings, and interactive activities.
The presented works concern various artistic strategies – from personal experiences (Irena Nawrot and Krzysztof Maniak), through references to cultural heritage and artistic traditions (Bogusław Bachorczyk, Grzegorz Kozera and Mariusz Tarkawian), to the registration of social and cultural changes in the Polish landscape (Marcin Chomicki and Andrzej Tobis).
The Biała Gallery office with a rich collection and full documentation of exhibition activities carried out since 1985 was included in the scope of the exhibition, becoming its integral part.
Projekt dofinansowany ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury – państwowego funduszu celowego