/ arI sz kRU

Opening: 25.03.2022, opening hour: 18.00

Open until: 6.05.2022, opening hours: TUE-SAT 12.00-18.00

Zdjęcie. Pionowy obiekt artystyczny. Asamblaż, czyli przestrzenna kompozycja złożona z przedmiotów gotowych. Tworzą ją skrawki drewna, kartonu, tkaniny, tektury, sznura oraz podobrazie, złota rama, skrzypce. Praca utrzymana w kolorach czarnym, niebieskim, czerwonym, jasnego i ciemnego drewna.

Mariusz Kruk works with painting, drawing, creates objects and installations. He is also an author of short poetic forms. On the exhibition, he mainly presents assemblages made of fabric, cardboard, wooden strips, scraps of paper, foil, strings, metal, plastic, aluminum, or even musical instruments and other ready-made objects. At the first glance, his works refer to the aesthetics known from the works of the constructivists. They open up a wide spectrum of associations and interpretations related to the observation of the world seen as a multi-planed being. They uncover relationships in meaning by examining the communication of nature and culture in association with human existence – also in the context of artistic creativity. For the Artist, cognition takes place in the process of creating visual – semantic shortcuts.

Mariusz Kruk was born in 1952. He graduated from the State College of Fine Arts in Poznań. In 1983, he founded the Koło Klipsa artistic group, with which he was associated until 1987. Over the years, his work has evolved – from poetic and expanded to more economical forms of work. The artist is associated with Poznań, where he lectures at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts.

His first individual exhibition took place at the Biała Gallery in 2012 and in 2019 we presented several of the artist’s objects as part of the collective exhibition Kojarz kolaż / Envisage the collage.

GRAPHICS: Mariusz Kruk, Untitled, 2018, wood, cardboard, rope, canvas, frame, violin, fabric, 250 x 56 x 10 cm