The Tower of Women²

Opening: 10.09.2021, opening hour: 18.00

Open until: 5.11.2021

Poziome zdjęcie przedstawiające parę oczu kobiecego manekina. Brązowe brwi, zielone tęczówki i rzęsy, z czego ta po prawej stronie jest prawie odklejona od oka.

The Tower of Women², just like its prototype from 35 years ago, is going to take place in an open formula, in the multiplicity and variety of expressions of the visual arts language – referring to here and now, to the present understood in personal and universal terms, and expressed by selected female artists in various media and artistic disciplines.

The subject of the exhibition is female existence: its social, cultural and mental entanglements. Only female artists were invited to the exhibition: Basia Bańda, Bettina Bereś, Ewa Ciepielewska, Katarzyna Cichoń, Bożena Grzyb-Jawodka, Katarzyna Hołda, Katarzyna Józefowicz, Danuta Krupska- Sołowiej, Irena Nawrot, Marzanna Morozewicz, Dorota Podlaska, Marta Szulc and Ewa Zarzycka.

The activity of women in the public sphere is significant. The events of the recent months have proven women’s strength and their great determination. Massive street protests inspired by the women have become an act of solidarity and decisiveness.

Exhibition curator: Anna Nawrot

* A richly illustrated publication with texts by Sylwia Hejno, Anna Nawrot and Ewa Zarzycka is being prepared for the opening of the exhibition. Available at the Bookstore Dosłowna.


Photo documentation by: Irena Nawrot