Been There, Sewed That is the fourth collaborative exhibition of twin sisters Anna and Irena Nawrot and, at the same time, their premiere in Lublin. Their first joint showing took place in 1985 at Galeria Pracownia Dziekanka in Warsaw, the second in 1987 at Galeria ON in Poznań, and the third at Galeria BWA in Kielce in 2018.
Current exhibition at Galeria Biała is the Nawrot sisters’ another proposal referring to the common thread of their work – the image of a woman and her functioning in social and private space. Anna, reaching out for the stereotypical perception of the image of a modern woman, refers to cultural and mental clichés, while Irena focuses on female corporeality embedding it in her own autobiography. The authoresses present textile and photographic collages, objects and photographs, most of which have been created within the last 2 years. The title of the exhibition refers to over 35 years of artistic activity of the Nawrot sisters. The artists literally sewed together real-world situations and fused them into autobiographical artifacts, making tailor threads and red yarn the leitmotiv of the exhibition.
The sisters, born in 1960, are graduates of the Institute of Artistic Education (now the Faculty of Arts) at the University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin. Anna has worked continuously since 1985 at Galeria Biała, while Irena has been associated with her home university since 1984.