BASIA BAŃDA Most in the world

Opening: 23.06.2023, opening hour: 18.00

Open until: 4.08.2023, opening hours: Tuesday-Saturday 12.00-18.00

Grafika w technice akwareli w kształcie pionowego prostokąta. Na jasnoróżowym tle dwie plamy barwne. W centrum duża czerwono-pomarańczowa w kształcie cyfry osiem lub gorejącego serca o rozcieńczonych krawędziach. Po prawej stronie dużo mniejsza pomarańczowo-różowa plama. Pomarańczowa plama przypomina łodygę, a poniżej delikatna różowa przypomina odwróconą świnkę. Poza tymi dwoma plamami mniejsze zabrudzenia i krople farby.

Basia Bańda (born 1980) is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. Since 2008, he has been working at the Institute of Visual Arts, Faculty of Art, University of Zielona Góra in Zielona Góra. So far, she has participated in the group exhibitions “Malarki” (2015) and “Wieża Bab²” (2021) at the Biała Gallery.

The exhibition is retrospective. Basia Bańda’s work is very ambiguous, sensual and moving, also in the emotional dimension. The artist presents works from various areas of her art. These include paintings on canvas, watercolors, drawings, collages and objects. Works from the earliest period of her work touch on the topic of corporeality, sexuality and femininity. The exhibition also presents works in which the main motif is an animal, hybrid and nature, as well as the latest abstract paintings.

The event takes place as part of the European Youth Capital 2023.