Opening: 23.10.2020

Open until: 31.12.2020, opening hours: TUE-SAT 12.00-18.00

autor: Bartłomiej Kiełbowicz, tytuł: Niebieski obraz, typ obiektu: malarstwo, rok powstania: 2019, materiał/technika: płótno, fragmenty mapy i starych obrazów, folia holograficzna, farba olejna, długopis, pozdzierane papierem ściernym, wymiary: 200 centymetrów wysokość, 180 centymetrów szerokość, opis ogólny: Obraz na płótnie w formacie zbliżonym do kwadratu przedstawia dynamiczną kompozycję przypominającą mozaikę. Poszczególne drobne elementy w kolorze niebieskim, fioletowym, szarym i czarnym, o różnym kształcie, ale ostrych końcach zapełniają całą powierzchnię obrazu. Składają się na nie: niebieskie fragmenty pociętej i przyklejonej do płótna mapy, folia holograficzna, gdzieniegdzie pomalowane farbą, pomazane długopisem i pozdzierane papierem ściernym.

Bartłomiej Kiełbowicz in his work, day by day, comments on the pandemic reality and life in Poland full of prejudice and divisions. He ironically creates monuments of nationalism, racism and discrimination. The artist is a collector of experiences and emotions, found objects, and all kinds of energy that he sublimes into his art. In spaces full of symbolism, there are paintings, drawings, photographs, and installations that obsessively and meticulously process the collected motifs. The past, the present, and the future smoothly blend with each other and various events are constantly analyzed and transformed, creating a complex, multi-threaded, and very personal exhibition – the artist’s first individual exhibition in Lublin.

Bartłomiej Kiełbowicz (1985) – a visual artist. A Painting graduate of The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He creates paintings, drawings, videos, murals, and installations. He is an observer of everyday life which he regularly comments in his drawing diaries. He collects stories and items from the past that he is often inspired by. In his works he combines a spontaneous and often destructive gesture with tedious, time-consuming, and extremely precise action. He is interested in obsessively repetetive motifs. He collaborates with a choreographer Liwia Bargieł. Together with a collective group he creates works in the trend of “magical revisionism”. He and Paweł Bołtryk run a drawing studio at his alma mater. His more significant individual exhibitions are: The Construction Journal (Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw 2014) and I’ve been living in someone’s dream for some time (Contrast Gallery, Warsaw 2018). He took part in collective exhibitions, incl. Summer (Roberto Polo Gallery, Brussels 2015), Borderline (Drawing Triennale, Contemporary Museum, Wrocław 2019) and Magical Revisionism (Propaganda Gallery, Warsaw 2020). The artist lives in Warsaw.


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