Opening: 23.09.2022, opening hour: 18.00

Open until: 4.11.2022, opening hours: TUE-SAT: 12.00-18.00

Czarno-biała grafika w kształcie leżącego prostokąta. Składa się z namalowanych setek małych popiersi piłkarzy grupy Niukasl Junajted, którzy mają koszulki w biało-czarne pionowe pasy. Nieco z lewej strony nałożony fragment czarnego tła z białymi napisami. Pionowo PIOTR JÓZEFOWICZ i rozbity na pojedyncze wersy tytuł wystawy THE SH OW MU ST GO ON.

Piotr Józefowicz has been creating paintings of the “never-ending” cycle under the above-mentioned title since 1985. It is a very consistent record of the changing time and a registration of the situations that surround us in a dynamic reality. The 37-year-long project is a kind of extensive painterly narrative, containing various threads and motifs, that come from many areas of human presence. The artist is also inspired by images from virtual reality. Individual series of paintings, referring to various aesthetics, create an impressive panorama of the present day. They consistently touch memory and time. They are a kind of installation in which the artist leads us – step by step – to the next monumental painting frames, discovering the power of art, which becomes an artistic imperative for its creator.
Piotr Józefowicz was born in 1959 in Lublin. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, where he lives and works at his alma mater.
His several series are presented at the Centrum Spotkania Kultur in Lublin. The exhibition presented at the Biała Gallery covers a different and more extensive part of the works of this exceptional painter.