Sigrun Jakubaschke Wandmalerei

Opening: 7.10.2011, opening hour: 18.00

Open until: 4.11.2011


The paintings of Sigrun Jakubaschke, made directly on the walls of the Biała Gallery, refer to a number of sources. She is inspired by Chinese calligraphy and symmetrical floral motifs so characteristic for old etchings. She documents the collections from the so-called cabinets of curiosities, that is collections of art and curiosities from the world of nature, science and other fields.

Sigrun Jakubaschke “transfers” the carefully selected motifs onto walls in the forms of drawings. Here they are magnified and entangled in an intricate web of colours and lines. The cold blue and the vigorous red create a uniquely energetic structure that might be seen as a “kunstkamera”. Images of natural forms are interwoven with their unique ornaments and compilations of motifs present in ancient art forms. All is enhanced with traces of an expressive gesture painted in black Chinese ink with a monumental brush.

Travelling and movement play an important role in her artistic journey, which materialises itself taking on different forms each time. The realisation in the Lublin gallery is based on the mix of inspirations that encourage us to discover new meanings in this noteworthy painting that can exist only(!) within one month.