Opening: 13.03.2015, opening hour: 18.00

Open until: 30.04.2015, opening hours: Mon-Sat 12.00-18.00


Jerzy Kosałka – visual artist, one of the core members of the Wroclaw-based “Legendarna Grupa Luxus” (“Legendary Luxury Group”) would like to invite everybody to his individual exhibition entitled “From the Artists to the Nation”. He is famous for his numerous incarnations, starting from his participation in the counterculture of the 80s, witnessing and accompanying the political transformations of the 90s, during which he created for example one of the first billboards and transforming the ethos of the artist in a capitalist brand CosalCa – Cola.

His recent works include his bravado performances, in which he challenges the Wawel Drago to a duel in belching fire. This time he will present himself as a patriot artist concerned about his nation. He would like to share his thought on this, but also other subjects, therefore from the over 30-years of his artistic work, he has selected a retrospective set of works including objects and installations.

The entire exhibition is built around two of his works: the “From the Nation to Kosałka” (1993) is juxtaposed with the artist’s newest reply from 2015 entitled “From Kosałka to the Nation”. At the opening of the exhibition the artist will present his “Performance”.